Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Squidoo Update & MORE

I am currently working on the next round of writing for Squidoo!  In the meantime I will update you about my recent activities.  It was a trial to setup my youtube account, but it was finally completed.  You should check it out!  The movie highlights the top 10 things people should not do while driving and the article goes deeper than the 10 main topics presented.  And it encompasses a whooping 25 things not to do while driving!  I think I might continue to expand my channel, but first I must gauge this first video's performance.  I think that is about it if you are just popping by then welcome and I would enjoy your input.  So comment if below.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hey this is Serialhonesty I am a bit new to blogging scene, but hopefully I can make it up in enthusiasm.  The main focus I will dedicate this blog to are updates, and awareness about my exploits on Squidoo.  A secondary focus will be on happiness or things that interest me.  My three beginning lenses are Same Repetitive Anime, 25 Things People Should Not Do While Driving, and Effects of Fun A Giant Warning.  I am always reading comments and would enjoy reading your feedback here.